Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream

The American Dream. One word to describe this concept would be opportunity. Many Americans, from the day they're born believe in the possibility of making it big. This can mean a multitude of ways to spend a life. However, one common trait these big lives we search for is success. Money is also a big one. Everyone in America wants to be this, and the American Dream is that it is possible for everyone. It's that, when we are born into this country, we are guaranteed a life full of opportunity. Our lives are what we make of them.
In the article I read, a point was made that helps refine the idea of the American Dream. The author said, "What an American wants to become depends on who he is allowed to be." In America, things get in the way of our chance to have it all. These "things" include race and social class. People of certain races and social classes might have a better opportunity to achieve the American Dream than those of others. This kind of makes the idea of achieving it even more of a dream than it already is.
Another factor of the American Dream is the recession that we are and have been in a country. It has to do with a lot of people throwing away savings and giving all their money away, just to get closer to making it big. Another quote from the article I read said, "We're not afraid of losing all we have. But we're terrified of losing a chance to have it all."
The American dream relates to The Great Gatsby because of the heavy reliance on money and social standards and being rich. Gatsby started out as the assistant to someone with a huge yacht, and got the chance to make it big after changing his name and such. However, when he is around Daisy, his whole facade fades. He becomes awkward and humble and sincere. Tom Buchanan notices this, and decides he doesn't like him. This shows that when someone of the "wrong" background achieves the American Dream of success, they only get scrutinized.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, but the fact that many people don't feel they can achieve it because of their race is a problem isn't it, They're their biggest downer right?
