Thursday, December 15, 2011


Holden Caulfield might be one of my favorite nonfiction characters, ever. Okay, he is definitely my favorite nonfiction character. I am an overall depressing person, which is an overall depressing way to describe myself, but it is the truth. As a teenage girl, I pay the most attention to how teenage boys treat other girls, right? And he is extremely respectful. That is my favorite thing about him.
Anyway, I think all of his "flaws" do not make him difficult to like, as I have heard many people say. I think they make him way easier to relate to. Sometimes people mention that he is a hypocrite or a phony, as he would call it, but aren't we all? I mean, it is really kind of hard to keep track and remember every single thing we have ever said, so we are bound to go against one of our "principles" eventually. I know saying all this is just inviting someone to disagree with me, but whatever, Holden would probably call you a phony as well, so how does that feel? Ew, I am in a bitter mood. Okay.
Is anyone ever really real? I know tons of teenagers who will say one thing one week, and then go against it the next week. Who really even cares? I could start saying some really depressing stuff about how no one will care if you were nice to some random person when you really did not like them all that much after you are dead, but I am trying to shy away from sounding like a completely angsty teenager, searching for myself.
Mainly, I would just say that Holden is depressed. He misses Allie a lot of the time, and he is upset or worried about the whole Jane thing. Plus, he just got kicked out of a boarding school because he did not feel like applying himself and getting good grades. Nobody is completely heartless, except for like.. Antichrists. After a long time of pretending you are okay, everything has got to catch up with even the most seemingly apathetic people. And that is where I think Holden is at.


  1. I definitely agree, I think for the most part we put Holden into this light that is very negative, but we really have to take into account that our thoughts and ideas are very similar to his. -Charlotte
