Friday, September 23, 2011

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

This sermon was pretty heavy stuff. I know if I was a Puritan, I'd have been super scared while listening or reading this. Isn't church supposed to be uplifting? I'm not religious at all, so I'd have to compare how church might make people feel with how maybe music or like books make me feel. Gee, I hope that doesn't offend anyone..
I guess I should say right now that I'm an atheist and the thought of religion just straight up makes me mad. With all due respect, of course..haha. I mean, I can understand why people believe in what they believe in, but I basically think that a really, really long time ago, some ancient people were confused and decided, "HEY, MAYBE THERE'S LIKE A GOD OR SOMETHING? YEAH? OKAY." But that's just me.
It doesn't seem fair that the Puritans were so scared out of there minds over something that's supposed to give them comfort. It makes God seem like someone who didn't really want to give them life. Kind of like if a mom sends her teenager out to a party, but is calling him/her every five minutes, expecting them to answer, and when they don't, they're grounded forever.
If the religion was just like that because someone wanted to keep the people in check, it seems like kind of a failure on their part. If somebody wants to become a devil-worshipper or go have sex with their next door neighbor, they'll do it and just not tell anyone. Some people just don't care, and are oblivious to consequences or just ignore them. That's just the way people are. The end, no happy ending.


  1. Umm, WoW. I have to say that i toatally disagree. People make their own decisions thats one of the best things about God and religion you get and have a CHOICE. of course people will sleep with he next door neighbor or sin or kill, we're human God jsut wants us to do our best and live according to his will/word. even Jesus was tempted but the sin or harm isn't in being tempted its in yielding to the temptation that we sin. So we shouldn't base our religious beliefs on other people we should base it on God (or the belief system) after all isn't that the point of religion?????

  2. I concur, and I also believe that god was a concept created by ancient human beings to explain what they couldn't, and are you insinuating that being a devil-worshipper is bad? The devil is some people's god. You're so ignorant.

  3. I'm saying people under religions like Christianity and stuff believe that worshipping the devil is bad. When I meet or talk to someone, asking who they think of as "God" isn't really my first instinct..
