Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why Did America Fight in the Vietnam War?

A simple answer as to why America got involved in the Vietnam War is to stop the spread of Communism. This is a concept that can be described as the political leaders of a country being much safer than the people they are supposed to be protecting. It is mostly one-sided in that the citizens are the ones who do all the work, and they get nothing out of it. Countries that were developing in the 1950's & '60's were considering adopting this unfair form of government. In the middle of this time period, America was developing what was called the Domino Theory. It stated that once certain countries fell into Communism, others would follow, until a bunch of countries had adopted the idea of it.
The United States recognized that Communism had been spreading since the end of World War II and decided that they needed to stop this. Many regions throughout the world were adopting this. The French were in the war before the US, and were not exactly fighting toward communism, so it is evident that this was always America's and only America's intention. The beginning of the war was gradual, but after the years passed, it was very obvious that the United States of America was involved in the Vietnam War.

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