Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Direction the Class Needs

Fifth period American Literature is actually one of my few favorite classes this year. Last year, and naming names would be rude, but I was not very fond of my English class. The teacher thought it was absolutely necessary to have a paper due at least and was not very flexible when something came up that made it hard for a student to complete the work being asked of them. The workload was way heavier and I did not feel as though I was learning anything. I felt super stressed. There were things going on at home and I just was not very comfortable talking to the teacher about it.
The class was also very quiet and I really did not feel at all comfortable telling my opinion on the stories or books that usually seemed irrelevant to my life. I'm really glad that this year, my English class is much different. We have open class discussions and the workload is just enough so that it's not stressful to the students. I really have no criticisms on anything that we have been doing in class. I really like ye idea of the journals though, and I hope we get to do them more often.
I have enjoyed all the books we have read as a class so far, and I god critical notes way more helpful and easier to do than the annotations I had to do last year. The fact that we are pretty much done with a book once we finish it and take the test. The fact that we get to watch the movies for the books we read also gives the class a more fun edge to it, which is always better than..not doing that.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all seem to like the way this class is structured and I also think that Kirkland is a great contribution to the class.
