Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear Charles Bukowski,

Hi, I guess. I really agree with your poem. It's true stuff, but kind of depressing. I mean, whatever happened to having faith in humanity? Or is it human nature to detest human nature? I don't know. I do actually think that this is what's going to happen to the world when it ends, and I think it's inevitable. I don't believe in all the religious stuff, so I think this would be the most logical ending to the world. It doesn't seem as bad as it could be. Everything could just explode.. It just really makes me sad, man. Does anyone like thinking about the ending of anything? I guess like, the best example I can come up with is high school or childhood or something. I don't want to grow up or anything, but I don't want the world to end more.
You've got a sick, twisted mind, dude. And I like the way everything you said was put in a way that made it extra horrific. A supermarket boy with a college degree, ahh! Blood in the streets! Like that, you know? It's kind of funny. If you think about anything hard enough, you can almost always make it funny. That's probably the best thing to do with a poem like Dinosauria, We. "Haha, people suck." would be the best approach to something like this, because people shy away from responsibility. The responsibility of making this world the way it is, which is a close cousin of complete crap. Okay.
Sincerely, Sarai

1 comment:

  1. Yeah his mind is a little sick and twisted.. I mean he is just thinking in the most negative way possible, but maybe if we all thought the same way he did once in a while, we wouldn't be in this mess
